
Subscribe to GitHub via Email

Subscribe to Commits

You can get notifications for every new commit to a branch or tag.

  1. Go to the GitHub repo you would like to subscribe to.
  2. Click the commits link.

  3. Optional: Select which branch to follow.

  4. Copy the URL.
  5. Go to feedmail.org/subscriptions/new, enter the commits URL, and click Go.
  6. Fill in your details and click Subscribe.

Subscribe to Tags or Releases

Get notifications when a new version is released.

  1. Go to the GitHub repo you would like to subscribe to.
  2. Click the tags link.

  3. Select if you want to subscribe to Releases or Tags.

  4. Copy the URL.
  5. Go to feedmail.org/subscriptions/new, enter the tags URL, and click Go.
  6. Fill in your details and click Subscribe.

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