
Subscribe to Reddit via Email

Subscribe to a Subreddit

  1. Navigate to the subreddit you want to subscribe to.
  2. Select the sort type Hot, New or Top that you prefer.

    Most often you want to select New to get notified of items as they are posted.

  3. Copy the URL.
  4. Go to feedmail.org/subscriptions/new, enter the subreddit URL, and click Go.
  5. Fill in your details and click Subscribe.

Subscribe to a Submission

  1. Copy the URL.
  2. Go to feedmail.org/subscriptions/new, enter the comments URL, and click Go.
  3. Fill in your details and click Subscribe.

Subscribe to a User

  1. Navigate to a user profile.
  2. Select the tab that you wish to subscribe to. For example posts or comments.

  3. Select the sort type Hot, New or Top that you prefer.

    Most often you want to select New to get notified of items as they are posted.

  4. Copy the URL.
  5. Go to feedmail.org/subscriptions/new, enter the profile URL, and click Go.
  6. Fill in your details and click Subscribe.
  1. Make a search on Reddit. Adjusting settings such as Safe Search and sort order to your preference.
  2. Copy the URL.
  3. Go to feedmail.org/subscriptions/new, enter the search URL, and click Go.
  4. Fill in your details and click Subscribe.

Subscribe to your Inbox or Front Page

  1. Go to https://old.reddit.com/prefs/feeds/.
  2. Right click the RSS icon and copy the URL for the feed you wish to subscribe to.
  3. Go to feedmail.org/subscriptions/new, paste the URL, and click Go.
  4. Fill in your details and click Subscribe.

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